Cancellation Policy Reminder

If you need to cancel a lesson, please do it 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, you will be charged for the lesson.

Book a lesson

Click here to book a lesson:

Free Footwork Class

We are running a free footwork class from 7 to 7:30 every Monday and Wednesday.
No need to register, just show up.

A Double Edged Sword - Article about Doc Rolando

Doc Rolando was recently featured in an article that was published in Wayne Lifestyle's magazine. In the article he speaks about Masters, as well as his recent battle with and victory over cancer. Please check out the article below!
  A Double Edged Sword Article

2024 - State Team, and Individual Tournaments

The results from the State Indivudals Tournament are in! Please click on the link below to see the results!
  2024 State Indiviudal Tournament Results
Please take a look at these videos to see the State Team Tournament Final Matches! Our very own Doc Rolando was the commentator for the Girls State Team Match!
Please click on the links below to watch the videos!
  2024 State Team Tournament Finals - Girls
  2024 State Team Tournament Finals - Boys

 Address Our Lady of Consolation Church
1799 Hamburg Turnpike
Wayne, NJ 07470
Click here for directions
We meet in the Ministry Center which is well down the hill from the church. If you are in the parking lot that is on the same level as the church, you did not go far enough down the hill.
 Hours Monday: 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Open Bouting begins at 7:30PM. Please come and join us for a fun night of fencing with fencers of all skill levels.
 Membership Annual membership is $200
Membership must be paid after three courtesy visits.
(make checks payable to "Masters Fencing Academy")
 6 lessons for $260
12 lessons for $420
 (make checks payable to "Masters Fencing Academy")
 *Must be a member to sign up for a lesson package, but we do offer one free introductory lesson for non-members.
 Contact Info Email:
917-335-9734 (Head Coach Mark Hecht)